Meet PERCI VILAR CENDANA | Your Working CongressMader of AKBAYAN

Saturday, November 23, 2024

While the rest of the folks are in the bleachers watching, Akbayan took to the streets and the halls of congress to make sure check and balance exists even if all the odds were against them in recent years. Meet CongressMader Perci Vilar Cendana, second nominee and stalwart of your rights, matters on labor, the less privileged, youth, women, LGBT and various sectors.

He's not new in the movement. Hailed as the first openly gay university student council Chairperson in UP Diliman (at a time where homophobia was still happening), he fought tooth and nail with individuals that resorted to personal attacks, and faced real pressing discrimination in his early college years. Together with UP Babaylan (the country's first LGBT student organization), they eventually opened minds, avenues and spark change in the campus, and the rest followed suit. He feels in congress, he's doing the same bringing in the agenda that would benefit the needs of ordinary citizens. 

He says "My political life has always revolved around Anakbayan, I became part of it after college by working in civil society groups, an NGO like the Freedom from Debt Coalition (involves matters on economic issues), and fell in love with the work that Akbayan is doing. I was involved with them since they 90's til now. I then became the Chief of Staff for Senator Risa Hontiveros whom I already knew when she was in congress, and planned to run for Senate in 2010 (as Campaign Manager), 2013, then she won in 2016. I was then appointed for the National Youth Commission during PNOY's term. While working for the government was far from my mind, it was a time for reform, and I felt it was a good time to work for the country." 

He adds "I was part of group who organized pride marches, the one in 1996, over 100+ people who marched in the contingent in Manila. Last year, hundreds of thousands now march in the occasion. Akbayan is for equality, til today, it baffles me that security of tenure is still being discussed. The culture of ENDO/contractualization should never be done. We also do the same for women, LGBT, anyone who needs social services. Citizens should never be asking for it, it is but a right. Universal Health Care should be supported by all of us."

NYC was the same venue where he started the campaign about "Teen Pregnancy", working on the Reproductive Health Law. He also started with various efforts on HIV, and still on the SOGIE Equality Bill. He is now the 2nd Nominee for the Akbayan Partylist, bringing his experience to the House of Congress over 2 decades of experience in public service. He's quite aware that he's got big shoes to fill since several Akbayan representatives like Eta Rosales, Risa Hontiveros, and more have done quite well during their stint in the congress. Today, CongressMader Perci is pushing for the KIAN Bill. This is to keep innocent young kids from getting victimized further. He also will try to enable laws against mining, the nationwide availability of the right to care card (a version of which is already done in Quezon City), plus the most controversial one yet, a bill for "Mindful Parking" which penalizes those who will bodily reserve parking slots; which as of recent has enraged the public. 

Here's more of our discussion on video:

Together with Atty. Chel Diokno (1st Nominee), Dadah Kiram Ismula (3rd Nominee) and Akbayan Youth Chair Justine Balane (4th nominee), CongressMader Perci Vilar Cendana (2nd Nominee) and the Akbayan Partylist is committed increase effort and reforms against political dynasties, improve + hold rights for ordinary Filipinos, and continue to push for apt labor laws in the congress. They will also be participating in Quad hearings to hold folks accountable specifically EJK's in previous years. They will also help with regards to the rights of Moro women in various indigenous and marginalized communities, to work as a force who understands their struggles and the youth.

CongressMader Perci not only presents an option, but a person who's got a track record of work accomplished. Akbayan's not done with the causes they've so passionately worked on these past few years. Here's to more legislation work that is felt by ordinary folks, ones that deserve the help they could provide. It was a pleasure to get to know you!


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