I had so much fun yesterday that I forgot to even think about a photoshoot that I had to go to. Anyway, I think it was pretty much worth it since I get to rub shoulders with the blog owners I often read. I kinda already had that in mind... If I enjoyed the company I'll stay the whole evening, and pretty much that's what I did. =)
Got off the shower and took several costume changes (because the batman costume won't fit anymore and the marshmallow man costume does, I wonder why?!) then headed to Trinoma. I was invited by Anton the owner of pusangkalye.net and said the event was organized by Kikilabotz of (http://inusentepapalaako.blogspot.com/)... I was eager to meet other people from the same industry because I think it more or less gives you an idea why we are writing in the first place. At the back of my mind I was thinking maybe I'll find answers to why I'm blogging.
I never found the answer... but I think I found something more interesting. I realized I talk too much and it just translates to whatever I put here; right?! Uhhmm... I guess ha-ha!... Sometimes I also catch myself murmuring about senseless stuff I humiliate myself and call myself stupid (while talking to myself in my head)! Maybe that's why my head hurts a lot these days... anyway back to the story....
I decided to come a little bit late (since I'm used to American Time being HONDA aka ondadot) because I don't want to look overly excited (but yeah I was!). When I got there Anton and RJ of Boy Acads (http://boyacads.blogspot.com/) was chillin and I had a small chat. Obviously most of them are not around yet so we kinda talked about photography stuff which Anton and I are obsessed about. I think we may have had an impact on RJ and he seemed a little bit interested in it too, he was tinkering with the cameras later on. I knew... he was hooked! Oh please be a Nikonista! Ha-ha! =)
Marvin aka Kikilabotz arrived and we all exchanged pleasantries. His blog is all about girls (LOTS OF THEM!) heheh nah, just jokin! It's all about his outlook in life and the things he's been doing. He analyzes why he's doing it and keeps the highs and the lows. Interesting fellow because I haven't met him and these guys and gals but when we talked we were like uhmmm... we thought we already knew each other. Funny for a first meetup but I guess that comes if you read each others blogs. You kinda get what the others are thinkin, and how they turn into "those posts you see on their blogs"... its like an extension of their personality... that's for some; but for some of them its like another world. I felt in some ways some of them were introverts hehe (they were not talkin to much eh hehe)but that's not a bad thing; maybe it comes with the territory of becoming a little EMOtional. We have different stories and different backgrounds, some of us were mighty similar (small world eh?!). I saw them arriving one by one; sometimes I kid around but this day, it was really nice seeing the faces behind the words and comments we put on each others posts. There was a point and instance where I said to my self "ahh kaya pala". It was really nice... and I was in for more.
Speaking of emotional, here's the famous RICO BUCO of http://bucosalad.blogspot.com/.
He was really really deep... Heheh... He did let out a little and getting to know him there told me a little more reason why his entries are of that nature. A guy writing how he's bored with everyday things make me wonder how he get's to write a lot. Maybe it is his fascination with life and trifles that makes him do it.
Glentot of the famous http://www.wickedmouth.com/ was really tough to penetrate heheh... Don't get me wrong guys and gals, it wasn't because of personality disorders of him or me =)... it was because he was also really busy with other things that day that we didn't really have that much time to talk. Probably doing errands for friends and "making ligaw women" which is a good trait hehehe but really he was a tough cookie. He is so hilarious in his blog (I mean drop dead laughing hilarious K TNX BYE) and we did get along quite well during the afternoon. I was shocked when he asked "WHY?" I said thanks on the way home... it was supposed to be a THANK YOU for the company =) when I went out of the train I was asking myself that question so many times. That stirred me up a bit (sorry I'm that crazy I need a doctor call one please! LOL). Sure enough, he was so nice he commented on my wall this morning. I really dig people like him. Sometimes they catch me off guard ehehehe! PAK!
Anna of http://mahiwagangsirena.blogspot.com/ was also there which consequently was in Marvin's top 10. It was nice seeing her, you get to see why there was a lot of relationship stuff on her blog. The anger (YEAH I LOVE THE RAGE AND OUTBURSTS!!!! haha), happiness and geek side of her did show throughout that afternoon. It was a treat to see and hear(we kinda eavesdropped on her phone conversations!). That... and "treat" did she do also because she bought us cakes and drinks (I was supposed to pay for drinks so thanks! hehe). Really generous people. =)
Kaitee (of http://kaitee8.blogspot.com/) also arrived, a little late but its better than not goin ye know! heheh. She was a smart kid (but please refrain from callin me Kuya! I ain't that old hehe) and honestly I haven't seen her posts before, judging from the few entries I scanned on her site, it was more of how she deals with personal relationships. It's nice and you guys should read it so you get to see yourselves years before you got into this notion of being out of the puppy love stage and have little things you appreciate in life hehe. Reminiscing am I?! Nahh..
Jepoy is one DAMN good writer, you can laugh about his entries at http://iamalivingsaint.blogspot.com/ and spend an eternity reading all of it because of his antics. I haven't seen anyone doing humor that I get to enjoy. He's one of a few who I dig. Picks up and makes puchlines very fast. A simple pat on the shoulder and a handshake told me we already knew each other from just doing what we do. Plus I owe him now heheh! Just look at what he got us for dinner!
It was a nice time with you guys, I'm sure there will be more of this right?! Good times! =)
Again thank you! =) More bloggers... more fun!