Writing Inspirations

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I guess there are a lot of things to write about today. Actually one of them is making me smile until now (and making me inspired to start) because I haven't been giving that much attention to it lately. To tell you honestly I am overwhelmed when someone likes the bit I wrote for the small town I visited a few days ago. Its main subject was; the city and its people. When I take the time to write posts like that, it comes with the experience and the things I remember from the trip. I guess we have different ways and means of getting inspiration. The subjects at Article Alley would probably get you interested. They make free content you can probably get that writing or reading itch resolved.

If it comes to you one day and you have something in your head that wants to get out, getting your own domain might be good so you can start doing what I did six years ago. I started with a blank page like anyone else; just look at how much stuff is here now. If you want to publish your thoughts and ideas then this bit is for you. I'm telling you it's really not that hard, you just have to make sure you write from the heart. Otherwise... no one would be interested in what you are doing and brush you off. That would be the right thing to do!


1 comment:

pusangkalye said...

I agree---if you are to decide to write/ blog, at least stay true to yourself. There's no point doing it at the expense of the "'self"". We write because we are inspired and we write to find inspiration---and hopefully, make others inspired as well---it simply is contagious.....