The Phenomenal TCL P7 Series Direct Drive+ Topload Washing Machine

Wednesday, August 09, 2023

It looks like they've gone way beyond the expectations of consumers and started to venture into home appliances again this month, They've finally launched the new P7 Series Direct Drive+ Topload Washing Machine, where more of the features of usual pricey machines and get fit into this new model, without being expensive.

TCL's CEO Mr. Jie Cheng says "If you see our new models, we wanted to emulate the traditional washing machines do but make it more efficient and affordable.

The P7 Series is stable, quiet, durable and very energy efficient. It uses a DD Inverter Motor that doesn't use belts which makes it more stable and uses less energy, less water too.

With it's Waterfall Style Washing you're going to get less tangles inside the drum but gets the detergent dissolved efficiently, so it could do the washing better. Think of it being less abbraisive, but more care for the fabrics. It's like handwashing for those delicates, and being attentive when it needs more work.

If you want to know more about these appliances, go check out their official webiste via because it's all there!


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