Partied This Weekend Thrice!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I went out this weekend again. Well its bad enough that I had no time for a Valentines date but it seems much appropriate to spend time with the boys. This night out was sort of a post STAG party of Roger which I also mentioned a few posts back. With the stag party, comes the you know what part of every program. Yes we had a few drinks, I think I had around 5 bottles of beer that time but never got tipsy. I did not setup this occasion and my other friend Dex took care of the details. We had our own share of strippers and got them fetched around 8 in the evening. Got them inside the place we rented and cozied up a little then ate somethin too. I had a blast of course not just because of them but because the whole thing happened. Imagine this was even setup by the ladies hahah. I have to applaud them for that. I really love this day and if ever there would be a friend that would be married soon I would probably have to set this up for them too. Now where do I get the girls you say?! Of course I won't tell you! Haha!

Then again everything went fine, after that evening with the guys I still got to spend quality time with my hommies in The Fort and QC. I met up with them and had more bottles of beer then went to the Malate district. It was fun because we also spent some time over at baywalk. The Manila bay was not that great smelling but the ambiance of people staying there because it is Valentines season was awesome. Imagine I had about gone to 3 parties in one night, where else can I do that?! Only in Manila! =)


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