Decisions On Saving, Investments, Land and Property

Monday, June 23, 2014

My short stay last week down south made me think a lot about getting my own place. I could afford it but I'm thinking about some other priorities; and second guessing if it's a worthwhile investment. A condo? A house? It still really bugs me, because the last thing I want to happen is to throw away cash that I've worked hard for. 

This goes the same for you guys who are just starting off at work. If you think you live paycheck to paycheck and still couldn't afford saving up for high ticket items such as a car or your own property, think of the things you've purchased that you don't really need. For example, you already have an iPhone but you go ahead and buy an iPad when in fact, you already have the same functions available on both your Apple gadgets. If you go out too much and party after a hard day’s work, think of the amount of money you could have saved than buying a few thousand pesos worth of beer because you think you deserve it every once in a while. You'll come to realize that hangovers and going bankrupt was not in the picture. Then you go to work late the next day and don't perform at par with your workplace standards. Not that I'm making you guilty about it, but I think my point stands. I learned that through the years and I think I did a pretty good job at it. It's a lifestyle change.

When we stop small things like these and save a lot, then we have to decide where to put the money. I got the chance to read an article at Lamudi which already lists down the pros and cons of owning a house versus an apartment. It saved me a lot of time. Then I figured, a condominium unit in a business district like Makati will probably be a better option if things wouldn't materialize. I have so many options to choose from but I thought about the pets, the lawn, the garage and the whole house to manage aside from the property I'd like to buy. I need to simplify my life if I want this to happen. I hope my investments in the stock market and money market yield more than what I hoped for.

What about you guys? Have you thought about where you want your money goes? Let me know!


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