Save on Rainy Days with Beko

Monday, August 02, 2021

Europe's number one brand is going to make Filipinos love the rainy days even more because they're coming out with their Rainy Days Promo. Imagine, 21 different models of refrigerators and freezers will be sold at a special price, that's a good thing.

Their fridges have EverFresh+ and Active Fresh Blue Light technologies so you keep food, fruits and veggies fresher for a longer time. Aside from that, their embedded ProSmart Inverters are five times more quiet compared to usual fridge compressors, and save you tons on electricity.

Their RDNT200I20VS which is a 7.1 cubic feet top mount freezer inverter costs Php 16,191, they also have a 22.7 cubic feet inverter fridge GN163123P which costs Php 55,791. The RDNT401E50VZGB which has a HarvestFresh 3-color tech which mimics the 24-hour sun-cycle on the other hand costs Php 33,291, and that makes things crisper longer.The fridge freezer GNO4331XPPH costs Php 35,991 and measures 16.7 cubic feet. It's got features like CoolRoom, Active Odour Filter and Led Illumination so you can view the inside. They've got more but you've got to see them on the BekoPH Facebook page if you are interested. 

Now don't you feel a lot better when it rains?


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