SILKA Dares You To Celebrate "Bagong Araw, Bagong Awra with Silka!"

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

We're all cooped up in our homes during the pandemic and probably, have left a little part of ourselves to time and have it take its course. Skin care took a little break, for some of us.. and since the situation has improved and restrictions relaxed, they would want you to celebrate everyday with new flare, to go "awra" with SILKA!

It's time to go out (safely of course) and step out to be the most confident version of yourself. For those who don't know, Silka Papaya Lotion has been the go to brand of Filipinos who prefer whiter and brighter skin. It's got papaya enzymes and 5 vitamins like B3, B6, B5, vitamin C and E to keep your skin at a healthy state. It also has SPF-6 so you get protected from the warm rays of the sun. It's also non greasy, which would be good since it's a little too hot in the tropical climate of the Philippines.

I also love the Papaya scent which this one has which is just faint and not too crazy. Aside from that, it's going to make you fairer when you use it for a few days. They also have it in different sizes, plus it's very affordable so you don't have to splurge to take care of your skin. As the world and the Philippines open up again, go out there and show them how its done. Walk with confidence and show that you can embody "Bagong Araw, Bagong Awra with Silka"

If you need one, you may purchase it here through Shopee 


You can follow their social channels to know more about their products, they also have a mean soap which does wonders like the lotion, it exfoliates lightly so you become fairer after a few days of use. Try it out yourself, don't take my word for it. It's very affordable so there's no harm in doing that.


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